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11 mast track & foot strap inserts

May 17, 2021




Mast Track and Inserts

  1. Rough up accessories. 

  2. Tape off mast track slot and vent. 

  3. Fill footstrap insert voids with core material.

  4. Tape off deck area around mast track, leaving enough room for carbon to go onto deck (see next step). 

  5. Router out spaces for footstrap inserts. Add masking tape on the deck around the insert holes. 

Mast Track

  1. Cut carbon to fit. Notch corners and make v-shape that will lap onto deck.  

  2. Use Cabosil in hole and push down carbon (dry) to fit. Add more microballoons. 

  3. Add microballoons to mast track and insert mast track. Scrape off excess. 

  4. Add peel ply over top of area. Smooth over with more epoxy if needed. 

  5. Tape down whole area to stop floating up.

Footstrap Inserts

  1. Fill deck holes with microballoons. 

  2. Push in inserts. 

  3. Scrape off excess epoxy. 

  4. Tape down across inserts to prevent floating up.  Let cure. Remove tape from Mast track and footstrap areas.

  5. Sand accessories flush with deck.

  6. Drill out footstrap screw holes. Drill vent plug through to core.


  • Make sure the top of the foot strap inserts where the screw holes are, are flush with the top of the board. 

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